Meet Our Team

Board of Directors

Dr. Brian L. James


Mr. Robin Rampersad

Vice Chairman

Ms. Karen Gonzales


Mr. Wayne Koylass


Mr. Mandel Moise


Mr. Learie Paul


Mrs. Ann Marie Ramsundar-Radhay


Management Team

Lt. Col (Ret.) Patrick Gomez

General Manager

Ms. Chantal Paul

Corporate Secretary

Mr. Vonchaz Lum York

Internal Auditor

Mrs. Lalitha Bala-Cetty

Deputy General Manager Corporate Planning and Strategic Performance Monitoring

Mrs. Gloria Corneal-Boyce

Deputy General Manager – Finance and Accounts

Mr. Andrew Nelson

Deputy General Manager - Human Resources

Mrs. Charlene Webb-Brereton

Head Information, Communication & Technology (ICT)

Mr. Sebastian Edwards

Deputy General Manager Operations

Ms. Dianna Roopnarine

Assistant Deputy General Manager Finance & Accounts

Mr. Nigel Best

Assistant Deputy General Manager - Human Resources

Mrs. Bernadette Alexander-Mc Gillvery

Assistant Deputy General Manager- Operations (South)

Ms. Theresa Taitt

Assistant Deputy General Manager – Operations North

Mr. Shawn Harris

Assistant Deputy General Manager – Operations Tobago

Mrs. Kimerly Harkoo-Mohammed

Legal Manager (Ag.)

Mr. Akil Peters

Facilities Manager

Mr. Atiba Babatunde

Manager Security Services

Mr. Cy Goodridge

Stores Manager

Mr. Levi Horsford

Mall Manager

Mr. Miguel Mohammed

Occupational Safety, Health Manager

Ms. Patrina Mahabir

Manager Stakeholder Engagement