Mr. Levi Horsford is a dedicated professional with over 16 years of experience at the Public Transport Service Corporation (PTSC). He embarked on his career journey at the age of 18 as an on-the-job trainee within the Finance and Accounts Department. His work ethic and pursuit of knowledge set him apart. Mr. Horsford actively pursued opportunities for growth and development, which earned him various qualifications, including a Master’s degree in Public Sector Management from the University of the West Indies.
His commitment to learning and professional growth has enabled him to rise through the ranks at PTSC. Throughout his tenure, he has consistently demonstrated values of perseverance, integrity, diligence, and a spirit of encouragement, always ready to lend a helping hand to colleagues.
His commitment to learning and professional growth has enabled him to rise through the ranks at PTSC. Throughout his tenure, he has consistently demonstrated values of perseverance, integrity, diligence, and a spirit of encouragement, always ready to lend a helping hand to colleagues.
Mr. Horsford aspires to drive meaningful change at the PTSC by enhancing the organization’s capabilities to deliver superior service to its stakeholders.